Cartridge filter FCC 6 Pulse Jet - Capacity 8.500 mc/h

Do you want to say goodbye to dust problems and spend little?

We guarantee a filtration efficiency of over 99% with a powder residue of less than 1mg / mc.

PULSE JET cartridge filter of our production, just picked up by one of our customers who installed a centralized system.
At the filter, which is in excellent external and working condition, at the customer's request an extraordinary maintenance can be done where all the filtering elements will be replaced with new materials of the latest generation.

Technical detail:

Model:                        FCC 6/30/155 MQ

Serial number:            612
Year:                          1999
Previous use:              in springs for working with soft grinding

Flow capacity:             8,500 mc / h

Power:                       15 kW - 1440 rpm - 380/660 volts

Filter size:

  • base 1500 x 2200 mm
  • height (with post-filter) 3930 mm


n ° 2 dust collection drawers with a capacity of 80 liters, easily hookable to the hopper and complete with wheels;

Electronic control unit complete with:

  • economizer ON-OFF
  • automatic cleaning adjustment in relation to the filter clogging level
  • manual adjustment of the cleaning frequency to meet particular operating conditions


Carpentry made of sturdy painted sheet metal panels.

To know if this filter could be suitable for your work, to know the price and to have any other information write to or contact us at Tel. 011.998.1234 - Cell. 366.9118626

Because we find the more suitable solution

We identify the most suitable solution for your specific needs based on the type of processing and pollutant.